Whether you’re playing on your own or with a friend, the co-op experience is very well done.// Reviews // 1st Oct 2012 - 9 years ago // By Adam Resident Evil 6 Review I also didn’t find any of those “Cover your partner with a sniper rifle” sections that were all too common in RE5. They are quite capable of thrashing zombies and monsters on their own. At no point did I feel like I had to babysit my partner. Another massive improvement is the companion AI. This little combo combined with the variety of weapons and my new found freedom of movement allowed me to play the game frustration free. This “Quick Shot” allows your character to squeeze off a quick round which, if done correctly, will stun your opponent leaving them wide open for a follow-up melee attack. In RE6 they’ve introduced a new “Quick Shot” mechanic which can be performed by pressing both the left and right triggers simultaneously. I also appreciated the depth that has been added to the combat as well. At no point during my play through of RE6 did I feel like I was fighting the controls. I am happy to announce that those control issues have been addressed. I hated the idea that I couldn’t move and shoot without feeling like the mafia had suited Mr. Many of my issues with RE5 were in the control department. I wouldn’t hesitate to play through the game a second time even after clocking more than 15 hours my first time through.
Resident Evil 6, if nothing else, is a thrilling adventure with great action movie type moments that I really enjoyed.
Despite all these plot threads hanging in the breeze Capcom has managed to provide three cohesive narrative experiences that are well paced and full of thrills. I found his campaign to be a much more puzzle and melee combat driven experience, which was excellent because after the first two campaigns I really felt like the game need more puzzles, and it delivered. Finally Jake’s campaign was different as well. There’s even a good amount of bro-mance thrown in for flavour. Chris’s campaign provides a much more tactical combat experience. Leon’s campaign feels like an episode of 24 with a one man against the system kind of vibe. I was also impressed with how each of the campaigns offer a slightly different gameplay experience.

Each campaign reveals a little more about the overall plot while being exciting adventures in their own right. The three stories in RE6 are not only exciting but they provide a layered experience.
The Resident Evil series has always had a good complicated plot and with this story’s six different perspectives I was sure that my head would be spinning as I fell into some serious plot holes. It’s a really ambitious narrative and I wasn’t sure if the developers would be able to keep all those plot strings from unraveling. When I learned that the game’s story would be interwoven across three different campaigns and six different characters I was definitely skeptical. I have to give Capcom some serious credit. Resident Evil 6 3 Short Films About a Virus Will this sixth game be redemption for the long running series about an ambiguous bio-chemical conglomerate? Or will it bubble away like so many defeated J’avo? I aim to find out. There’s an all new virus for our heroes to contend with and a bio-terror plot that threatens security on a global scale. Resident Evil 6 is the latest entry in the series and sees the return of several characters we’ve come to know over the years. Enough about the past, let’s talk about the present. I’ve always loved the series’ story but RE5 was the first time the controls got in the way of my experience and I hated it for that. In RE5 I could see that the series was becoming much more action shooter and far less survival horror and unfortunately the game’s control mechanics were not up to the task. But for all the innovation found in RE4 I was surprised by the lack of any such innovation in RE5. RE4 was a renaissance for the series, bringing it in line with modern action titles. While I loved Resident Evil 4, having played that particular entry on three different platforms, I hated Resident Evil 5. Titles aside, over the past few years I’ve had a love/hate relationship with the series. Especially since the issue of bio-terrorism is much more in the foreground of the games these days.

He told me that one burning question he’s always had about the Resident Evil series is why does Capcom call it Resident Evil? Both Wayne and I agreed that the original Japanese title of Biohazard is much more appropriate at this point in the series. When I first began playing Resident Evil 6 I had a short conversation with C&G’s Content Editor Wayne Santos about the series.